Drain Cleaning Services in Mid Michigan & Ann Arbor, MI
When most people think of hazards, natural disasters and floods often come to mind. But many dangers can strike inside your own home or business. If your residence or company in Mid Michigan & Ann Arbor forms sewer problems, avoiding help for it can foster disease and disaster. Whether it’s a minor sink backup or a seriously overflowing toilet, handling any type of sewer water is hazardous. Instead of putting your health at risk, contact Paul Davis Emergency Services to handle it.
Paul Davis Specialists
Sewage overflow is gross, but that isn’t the only reason to stay away from it. Backups of all sizes can leak gray and black water into your home or even bleed pathogens into your usable water. The same bacteria and viruses in sewers can spawn in sanitary, but standing water. Raw sewer water, for instance can contain E. Coli, Leptospirosis and other harmful pathogens.
If the seepage or overflow is coming from the toilet trap or farther, it might contain black water that has come in contact with raw sewage. Black water typically carries or has touched human waste and stays undisturbed long enough to incubate harmful bacteria and viruses. Lake and river water might also be contaminated by black water. If you come across a black water flood at your residence or office, contact the Paul Davis Emergency experts promptly.
Paul Davis Emergency Services
If you ever see a sewer backup at home, contact Paul Davis Emergency Services. Our professionals are highly trained in treating hazardous substances. We help the Mid Michigan & Ann Arbor region with quick responding help for sewer backups, flooding and mold removal. Don’t wait to treat the leak. Talk to us now to prevent further damage to your residence or commercial property.